1) Films of all genres, styles, and narrative forms released on or after January 1st, 2023, are eligible.
2) Films must have a maximum length of 20 minutes, including credits.
3) Films may only be submitted via Filmfreeway.
4) Seven deadlines are provided.
5) The registration fee is non-refundable and is considered a voluntary contribution to Associazione Culturale Laterale for the event’s organization.
6) The film selection is curated by the festival’s artistic direction; notification of selection must remain confidential until the program is announced.
7) Once selected, films cannot be withdrawn from the festival.
8) Some frames from the selected films may be used for festival promotional purposes.
9) Selected films will be added to the Laterale Film Festival archive and will not be commercially exploited to protect the interests of the authors and producers. The organizers commit to using the films solely for cultural purposes.
10) Films submitted in previous editions and not selected will not be considered.
11) The festival’s direction reserves the right to include in the Lateral Selection films that slightly exceed the scheduled time limits but are considered significant for their artistic value.
12) Participation in the festival implies full acceptance of these regulations. The artistic direction has final judgment on any controversial cases.